The training is aimed at giving the participants a broad view on impact of energy efficiency on the environment and business performance of their facilities. Participants will also be able to learn about what opportunities are available in their facilities and practical ways of tapping into those opportunities. Also of importance is how to ensure that gains made after implementation of energy conservation measures are sustained.
Course Overview
Energy Management has continued to be a major topic in Kenya. Industrial, commercial and institutional facilities can substantially reduce their energy costs through reduction and control of their energy usage. Following the passing of the Energy Management Regulations of 2012, all industries consuming more than 180,000kWh of energy per annum are required to:
-Formally designate an energy manager
-Prepare and submit an energy management policy to ERC for approval
-Carry out an energy audit every three years
-Submit audit reports and implementation plans to the Commission for approval
-Commence implementation of energy saving measures identified from the audits; and accomplish at least 50% savings within a period of three years
Evidently there is need to ensure further compliance through training in energy management to support implementation of energy management measures.
Key focus areas
-Compliance areas related to government regulations in industrial energy consumption
-Role of facility management and personnel in energy management
-Energy conservation opportunities available to industries, indicative implementation costs and typical energy and cost savings
-Continuous improvement strategies in energy management
-Comparison and benchmarking of the factory and other similar factories, local and international
Target Group
This program is designed for mid to senior level management who are interested in energy matters within their organisations. Participants will tour the 600kWp Solar PV plant at Strathmore University and undertake a mock audit of the university’s cafeteria.
Course Delivery
The training will be delivered in 3 days that will incorporate plenary sessions, group discussions and presentation of case studies from individual facilities.
Fee Kes 40,000/per participant