The Ministry of Energy contracted SERC to provide a customized training on Sustainable Energy for Policy Makers and T1/T2 Solar PV systems under the Kenya Off-Grid Solar Access Project (KOSAP), for underserved counties. The training was financed by the World Bank and implemented by the Ministry of Energy and Petroleum, Kenya Power and Lighting Company and Rural Electrification and Renewable Energy Corporation. The training aimed to provide a comprehensive suite of investments on electricity services to households, enterprises and community facilities, and boreholes, with pragmatic business models to attract private sector investment, sustainable services, know-how and efficiencies.
The objective of the Sustainable Energy for Policy Makers, which began on 19th November 2018, was to equip the county policy officials with knowledge on: the existing policy environment on energy, renewable energy technologies (mini-grids and clean cooking technologies); and energy planning at the county level, feasibility studies, project management, and sustainability. The training held at SERC also included case-based learning using scenarios that existed in their different counties. The county officials also made a site visit of the 600kW system at Strathmore University with an illustration on how a mini grid works using the installed system. The key outcomes of this training were to ensure knowledge transfer on policy mechanisms that will guarantee sustainability at KOSAP projects, once enrolled by the World Bank in the off-grid areas.
The county technical officials also received knowledge on how to design, install and maintain a stand-alone solar PV system. They also received hands-on practical work as well as engaged in manual calculation of various design elements. Further, access to Darasa, SERC’S online learning platform allowed participants to engage with material, both before and after the training for further consultation.
Both trainings that concluded on 30th November will assist the county technical officials as they seek to close the access gap in traditionally underserved areas of the county. KOSAP aims at promoting solar and clean cooking technology to drive the electrification of households, enterprises, community facilities and water pumps.