Date: 10th to 14th July 2023
Concept Note: https://bit.ly/3Niahq5
Email: spvtraining@strathmore.edu
Tel: +254(0)703034900
Date: 10th to 14th July 2023
Concept Note: https://bit.ly/3Niahq5
Email: spvtraining@strathmore.edu
Tel: +254(0)703034900
Government officials from the Ministry of Energy and Petroleum (MoEP) and its affiliate agencies (EPRA, KenGen, GDC, Kenya Power, REREC and NuPEA) attended a sensitization workshop on the Kenya Carbon Emission Reduction Tool (KCERT 2050) on 19th May. A first in Africa, this tool is a unique, open, transparent, and interactive model that could assist the country reach its low carbon transitions, to meet the worlds emission targets.
In his opening remarks, Dr. John Olukuru, Head of Data Science and Analytics at Strathmore University emphasized that Kenya is ahead of many countries in developing a carbon emission reduction tool and that there is need to benchmark with other countries like India who have successfully implemented the same. He added that India had achieved beyond what we dreamed. They have a centralized database where everything is channeled to and are currently working on predictive modelling. Dr. Olukuru noted that such specific efforts are necessary to ensure that goals set are met.
The KCERT 2050 tool was developed in 2022 and is now in its second phase. The training workshops on how to feed and use the tool will take place at the national level for various key ministries, state departments and agencies. It is envisaged that a steering committee spearheaded by the MoEP will be formed to periodically update and fine-tune the model. The KCERT 2050 Calculator will also be embedded in the existing curriculum at undergraduate and graduate levels at Strathmore University and other institutions.
Dr. Mutisya, Director in Charge of Energy Efficiency and Conservation at MoEP emphasized the importance of all ministries and parastatals feeding key data in the tool. He further stated that data on energy efficiency, clean cooking and biogas are important to assist pioneer energy planning for the country. This will ensure the tool remains useful and can be used by other counties.
The interactive Carbon Calculator was delivered under the UK Government’s international 2050 Calculator programme, which is funded by the UK’s International Climate Finance, and led by global engineering, management and development consultancy, Mott MacDonald, and a consortium which includes Imperial College London, Climact and Ricardo.
Further, the tool is an evidence-based blueprint supported by existing policies in the legal space such as The Energy Act 2019, the Bioenergy Strategy 2022 – 2027, Vision 2030, The Kenya National Energy Efficiency and Conservation Strategy among others and is aligned to SDG 7, a vehicle to attain the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2030.
The team will now receive a three-day intensive hands-on training in the month of June.
To learn more on Kenya Carbon Emission Reduction Tool (KCERT 2050) click this link.
This project is led by Patrick Kioko Mwanzia of Strathmore Energy Research Centre and Dr. John Olukuru, Head of Data Science and Analytics.
This article was written by Anne Njeri Njoroge, Communications Officer at Strathmore Energy Research Centre.
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